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Policies & Docs

Social Value
Money Laundering
Anti Bribery
Data Protection
Business Continuity
Modern Slavery

Simoda Modern Slavery Statement

Simoda Limited are a leading provider of IT and Technology Services and solutions to our customers. We undertake all reasonable and practical steps to ensure that both our own standards and the legislative requirements to uphold the Modern Slavery Act 2015 are met throughout our business and our supply network. We will assess any instances of non-compliance on a case-by-case basis and will then tailor remedial action appropriately. We will only trade with partners and suppliers who, through a process of due diligence, can comfortably demonstrate their compliance and commitment to the Modern Slavery Act 2015. This policy will be reviewed annually.

Simoda Sanctions Compliance Statement

Simoda Limited are committed to preventing, detecting and deterring suspected money laundering and terrorist financing activity and to ensuring that neither it, nor its products or services, are used to facilitate, directly or indirectly, violations of applicable economic or trade sanctions. Simoda Limited complies globally with sanctions promulgated by the United Nations Security Council and those of key jurisdictions, namely the European Union, the United Kingdom and the United States (collectively “applicable sanctions”), including those recently imposed on Russia. Simoda Limited prohibits any activity by that would breach applicable sanctions.

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