After seeing in the news over the last few months distinct signs, that the next 12 months are going to be very interesting for businesses around the world for I.T implementations.

I am a Business Development Manager here at Simoda and I have spent well over 20 years in the I.T industry and in my current role I work closely with business leaders and I.T teams to help them achieve successful I.T project delivery, so you could say I'm at the coal face when it comes to project supply issues.
Recently the so called "Chipageddon" has seen Jaguar Landrover halt production, Samsung, Microsoft Xbox & Sony Playstation struggle severely in the supply of their latest consoles and devices into their fast paced market place.

In our industry the huge demand over the last 18 months of mobile devices for people to work from home throughout the covid pandemic has seen huge shortages in these devices and to be honest it is literally anything with a chip inside, which is almost everything these days.
Coupled with the above shortages we are now seeing serious issues in the logistics area, with a lack of drivers & vans.
Britain’s economy has been plunged into a supply chain crisis, with major retailers’ stock levels at their the lowest since 1983 as a result of worker shortages and transport disruption caused by Covid and Brexit.

It is reported that we have lost 100,000 people in the trucking industry, hence the reason the likes of Nandos, Macdonalds, Wetherspoons and supermarkets are struggling to cope with demand.
Staffing is also starting to be the next crisis. Post Brexit immigration policies, training shortfalls and the Covid pandemic have seen a huge reshuffle in the roles that people are employed in.
The Tech industry has long had a shortage of qualified people available, this is made worse if you are based in a city that is not, London, Manchester, Leeds or Birmingham.
The Tech industry has long had a shortage of qualified people available, this is made worse if you are based in a city that is not, London, Manchester, Leeds or Birmingham.
Ok so you know how bad the situation is so the question is 'what do we do about it?'
Simoda's approach has always been a consultative one. So firstly we listen. We gain understanding about future projects and then we can help you plan these in with the most up to date knowledge from our vendors and suppliers.

If you need new telephony or infrastructure, why not consider cloud? The providers we use have already invested in the architecture and it is ready to switch on, up or down at the touch of a button. The cloud isn't just for large enterprise clients, it is for any business of any size.

Outsourcing is not a bad thing. In the IT industry it would be very unusual for you to be able to employ enough staff to be able to cover every single technology you need these days, even just from a cyber security prospective. Here at Simoda we work with clients day in day out to fulfill gaps. We can help you to deliver a design, build and deliver a project successfully or just lend a helping hand when required.

Windows 365
As devices are harder and harder to get hold of, I think Microsoft's timing of the launch of their Windows 365 solution couldn't be better. A solution that allows you to provide a virtual specification suited to your user or session that runs on an existing device without upgrading year on year? Other VDI solutions are also available ;)

To summarise, Simoda are a technology company that focusses on delivering business outcomes
Talk to us. The more open you are with us, the more we can help you.
Thanks for reading
Christian Colton
0114 553 3600