Ok that statement is a bit tongue in cheek but the acceptance of a work from anywhere culture has to be a good thing for the technology industry.
What are the key requirements for a work from anywhere business model I hear you cry !!
IT Teams
Must have the underlying network agility, applications & security to enable WFA
Secure network access
Must offer VPN connections on a mass scale & SD-WAN for business critical home offices, with built in security obviously
Corporate communications tools
Must deliver high quality VoIP & video conferencing with global scale
So how are Simoda helping ?
In partnership with Masergy we are helping organisations address the explosion in remote working with offerings that address the network challenges ahead.

Reach out now and lets discuss this now and see how we can help deliver a smooth operation during these uncertain times.
Book a call with Simoda & Masergy now by completing the get in touch form here https://www.simoda.co.uk/contactus
or call 0114 553 3600